Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hello, Again!

Gosh! Life is just a whirlwind these days. Between being a good mommy and wife, a teacher, and growing my Arbonne business, the days of been packed. Packed but gloriously wonderful.

On the mommy/wife front, Annabelle continues to bring us SO much joy. The sweet girl finally rolled over from her back to her tummy this morning. She rolled from her tummy to her back at 9 weeks, but she just wanted to take her sweet time going the other way! I swear she could do it, but she just didn't have the motivation. You know what, I am okay with that! Danny likes to egg her on to crawl, but I am loving this little stage. Plus, a mobile baby is going to be a whole new ball game! She also sleeps in her own room in a crib now! In the night when she wakes, Danny gets her and bring her to bed so I can nurse her and then I bring her back to her crib. It's a good little system. She also goes to bed at 6 pm, which is so nice because Danny and I get to have some quiet quality time. Annabelle also starting sucking her thumb a few weeks ago which we may hate eventually but we love it for now! She loves her exersaucer and laughs at the silliest things. She is outgrowing the sink bath, so we will be moving to the tub as soon as she can sit up on her own. She's getting close, but hasn't mastered sitting yet! (Isn't it amazing that we had to learn all these little things like sitting!) Annabelle really is such a beautiful grace to our life; she is an ever present reminder of God's abundant love for us!

On the school front, it is hard for me to go and leave Annabelle. I thought it would get easier, but it really doesn't. And then my job doesn't end when I leave the campus. I have grading and reading and other things that have to get done for me to be a good teacher. The good news is, I have 8 more Mondays (I think) of the school year and then I will be a stay at home mama! Yep, you read right! I am staying home next year. SAWEET!

So that brings us to Arbonne. It is going SO well! I love growing my own business. It has challenged me in so many ways I didn't know it would. It has caused me to really look inside and see my strengths and weaknesses. It has pushed me and challenged me and made me a better woman. I love, love, love the products and I love getting to use them in our own home and sharing them with everyone. I am so blessed by the business opportunity, since now I get to be home with Annabelle next year. You have no idea the peace that brings to this mama's heart!

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