Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Musings

Weekends are back to being precious times. Not that they weren't precious this summer (since of course Danny was home with me only on those days), but now they are even more precious. We had a pretty crazy week over  here in the Oertle household. Returned to work full time, had family in town, and had a pretty crazy birthing class on Thursday one went into labor or was just more eventful than normal. So Friday night, after picking my mom up from the airport, 10 pm seemed like the latest hour of the day and I passed out for the night. Repeat of events on Saturday night, after watching the very intense movie, Zero Dark Thirty.

The house is so quiet right now. Danny works away in his office...which looks awesome...can't blame the guy for wanting to be in there...and I prep for school on Monday. Nothing really eventful, but there is just something so sacred about being in our home, living our quiet lives. I know these moments will change as we welcome our sweet girl. Sundays might not be so quiet anymore; life will take a bit more coordinating; but what a beautiful addition she will make to this family!

So as I say goodbye to the weekend and greet Monday with a hearty hello, I eagerly await that Friday afternoon school bell that tells me another week has passed, a precious weekend has arrived, and I am one week closer to meeting our sugar pie.

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